A hybrid print and online publication to amplify the voices of journalists with migration backgrounds
Berlin, 30 January 2025: Are We Europe and its MigraVoice partners are excited to announce the launch of the MigraVoice magazine – the culmination of a months-long pop-up newsroom that kicked off in June 2024, with the MigraVoice boot camp in Berlin.
The publication – which combines print and online, with the latter version, going live on 10 February, containing additional multimedia content – brings together 15 stories by as many journalists with a personal history of migration. They joined the project for the opportunity to tell the stories that matter to them.
“It is no secret that newsrooms on the continent are predominantly white and middle-class,” write Are We Europe’s editors in the introduction to the magazine. “The problem with this lack of diversity is that we need to tell the whole story.” This publication is a step in the direction of a media that better represents Europe’s diversity. “Without representation, we lose a plurality of perspectives on our ever-evolving continent.”
Highlights from the magazine include a reportage on the intersection of the housing crisis and the migration crisis on the outskirts of Lisbon; an investigation into the interference of fake prophets in the trafficking of people from Nigeria to Europe; a podcast series, diving into Amsterdam’s diverse open-mic community, which brings together people from all over the world and bridges political divides – and much more. The combined print and online publication allowed contributors to explore the formats that best suit their stories.
The journalists’ voices, recorded, form the pattern on the magazine cover – a symbolic tribute to the many voices that make up Europe’s story, yet too often go unheard.
The MigraVoice Magazine can be found on Are We Europe’s webshop here, and online from 10 February. Make sure to explore both editions to get the full picture, and spread the word to help us make the voices and stories of these journalists and their communities heard far and wide!
About MigraVoice
MigraVoice: Migrant Voices Matter in the European Media is a project co-funded by the European Union, in collaboration with Maldita.es Foundation (Spain), in partnership with Raseef22 (Germany), Media Diversity Institute Global (Belgium), The London Story (The Netherlands), Are We Europe (The Netherlands) and Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (Italy).
The project aims to amplify the voices and perspectives of migrants in Europe within the European media and information space, by promoting active participation of individuals with migration backgrounds in the creation of high-quality media content for European audiences in both traditional and social media formats.
Find out more about the project and how you can get involved here: https://migravoice.eu/