About Are We Europe
Are We Europe is a foundation working towards a borderless Pan-European media space. Founded in 2016 by four friends who were disillusioned by how traditional media covered Europe, we now have a dedicated team split between Brussels and Amsterdam.
Our mission
Are We Europe works towards a borderless future for the pan-European media space by:
- developing opportunities that shape, diversify and strengthen the European media space.
- publishing stories on issues impacting European identities in ways that challenge media conventions.
We feel that the Pan-European media space is dominated by borders that prevent new journalistic voices and cross-border teams from telling innovative and creative stories on underreported topics.
Adaptability & resilience of the journalism/media sphere
Playing into changing media consumption realities
Made through innovative collaboration methods
Story sprint methodology for quick turnover by a newly formed team
Journalism can be more than just “the news”
Using engaging storytelling methods to tell journalistic stories
Using different media to their strengths and advantages
Local perspectives
Personal stories
Building empathy bridges
Career sustainability
Talent development
Portfolio building
Transnational collaboration
Resource & network accessibility
Developing cross-border methodologies
Our publication
As a media publication, we work with 800+ storytellers from across the continent to explore the exceptional and everyday Europe. What can the death of an Irish coastal town, evacuated due to erosion, teach all of us about climate change? How are the lives behind the headlines of Poland’s LGBT-free zones? And who are the selfie-taking modern witches of Romania?
Our editorial principles
- We focus on the underreported issues, people, and places from all corners of the continent.
- We work with the next generation of journalists, writers and visual storytellers.
- We cover local stories and build transnational perspectives.
- We challenge dominant narratives.
- We embrace complexity and are transparent about our biases.
- We believe stories are told with more than just words, and design everything we make with care.
Check out our full code of ethics ->
Want to know more? Email editor@areweeurope.eu
What people say about us